Die wilden 80er Jahre in der deutsch-deutschen Malerei
Potsdam Museum - Forum für Kunst und Geschichte
Potsdam, Germany
December 3, 2016 - March 12, 2017
Baselitz at Potsdam Museum
Elective Affinities: German Art Since the Late 1960s
Latvian National Museum of Art
Rīga, Latvia
June 17 - August 21, 2016
Georg Baselitz in Elective Affinities
Elective Affinities: German Art Since the Late 1960s
Latvian National Museum of Art
Rīga, Latvia
June 17 - August 21, 2016
Joseph Beuys in Elective Affinities
MORE Than Words
Westport Arts Center
Westport, CT
September 9 - October 29, 2016
Leon Golub at WAC
Leon Golub Powerplay: The Political Portraits
National Portrait Gallery
London, England
March 18 - September 25, 2016
Leon Golub at the NPG
Elective Affinities: German Art Since the Late 1960s
Latvian National Museum of Art
Rīga, Latvia
June 17 - August 21, 2016
Jörg Immendorff in Elective Affinities
International Pop
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia, PA
February 24 - May 15, 2016
Manfred Kuttner in International Pop
The Art of American Dance
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
Bentonville, AR
October 22, 2016 - January 16, 2017
Alice Neel at Crystal Bridges
Rhythm & Roots: Dance in American Art
Denver Art Museum
Denver, CO
July 10 - October 2, 2016
Alice Neel at Denver Art Museum
Dance! American Art 1830-1960
Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit, MI
March 20 - June 12, 2016
Alice Neel at the DIA
Elective Affinities: German Art Since the Late 1960s
Latvian National Museum of Art
Rīga, Latvia
June 17 - August 21, 2016
A. R. Penck in Elective Affinities
A.R. Penck - Early Works
Michael Werner Gallery
New York, NY
June 9 - September 3, 2016
Penck at Michael Werner
Raymond Pettibon. Homo Americanus
Museum der Moderne Salzburg
Salzburg, Austria
November 19, 2016 - February 12, 2017
Raymond Pettibon at Museum der Moderne Salzburg
Raymond Pettibon – Homo Americanus
Sammlung Falckenberg
Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
February 27 - September 11, 2016
Raymond Pettibon at Sammlung Falckenberg
Francis Picabia: Our Heads Are Round so Our Thoughts Can Change Direction
The Museum of Modern Art
New York, NY
November 21, 2016 - March 19, 2017
Picabia at MoMA
Francis Picabia. A Retrospective
Kunsthaus Zürich
Zurich, Switzerland
June 30 - September 25, 2016
Francis Picabia at Kunsthaus Zürich
Elective Affinities: German Art Since the Late 1960s
Latvian National Museum of Art
Rīga, Latvia
June 17 - August 21, 2016
Sigmar Polke in Elective Affinities
Buren, Mosset, Parmentier, Toroni
Hunter College Art Galleries
New York, NY
February 26 - April 10, 2016