Hall Art Foundation
Thursday, 15 August 2024 | 2 PM - 4:30 PM
544 VT ROUTE 106, READING, VT 05062

Learn How to Read a Painting
Participate in Visual Thinking Strategies
Collaborate with Colleagues


Educators are invited to join us for a guided tour of the current exhibitions, Barbara Kruger, Ed Ruscha: Works on Paper, Sherrie Levine, Zorawar Sidhu & Rob Swainston: Doomscrolling and Outdoor Sculpture, followed by a forum for questions and discussion with light refreshments.


* Participants will receive a certificate of completion that they can submit for 2.5 hours of relicensure credit. *


Please register by 9 August 2024

Space is limited and registration is required




To ensure that as many schools and students as possible can take advantage of the Hall Art Foundation’s exhibitions, facilities and grounds, basic school bus transportation funding to and from the Foundation is provided in part or in full, for school groups that could not otherwise pay for transportation. To qualify for funding, groups must be able to make the round-trip journey on a yellow school bus in one day during the school year and participate in a guided tour with our staff.


To receive partial or full transportation reimbursement, schools must provide an itemized invoice from their bus company along with a completed transportation reimbursement form.


Our policy:

  • For schools visiting within a 30-mile radius, who can make the trip within three hours (including round-trip travel time and museum visit time), HAF will reimburse up to $150.
  • For schools that spend more than 3 hours at HAF and are charged an additional hourly rate by the bus company, HAF will reimburse an additional $35 an hour.

- OR -

  • For schools that are greater than 30 miles away, HAF will reimburse $3.50 per mile traveled.


* Please note: HAF retains the right to pay either additional mileage or additional hourly rate (usually whichever is more) based on final cost of transportation.


* Any school that wishes to send more than one bus per visit, and is seeking reimbursement for an additional bus should ensure that capacity of the first bus is adequately reached.


Reimbursement by the Hall Art Foundation will be made after the school’s visit.


If this policy absolutely prohibits your class from visiting, please contact us at + 1 802 952 1056 or vermont@hallartfoundation.org to discuss your situation.